I thought that the green city concept (in Singapore was SO beautiful! It looked like they were living in a jungle. I am a little sad that it would never be as green here, but unfortunately we don't live in an environment that can support that type of water-dependent plants. I can see it still being pretty with a lot of the plants that we have here though. My yard at home is "zero-scaped", meaning that it only consists of native plants. It is very diverse and the plants grow so well, but that could be due to my mom's care. She has a green thumb. I can see using the plants that we have here to make a green wall, but it definitely wouldn't be the same color of green. I think the idea of using native plants would really help children understand the history of the land, and it would help them realize that we do actually live in a desert. Most people are barred from that reality by the green lawns of the city.
I hope that one day Salt Lake will embrace our natural environment. Part of that is daylighting the creeks, part of that is incorporating native plants into landscaping. They are small steps, but we could be so much healthier if we had them behind us.
Random tangent thought that I had in class yesterday: I really really really wish there was some way that we could start a student project on the roof of the MHC. It is such a great opportunity for the Honors college to show how green their "green building" really is. I would love it if there were a rooftop garden (hopefully some of it would be edible) where students could potentially get herbs and other plants for cooking. More likely what would work is to put solar panels on the roof, but I like the idea of students being able to enjoy and use the space as residents, and a field of solar panels doesn't give me that. Maybe if I continue to live in the MHC next year, I will be able to talk to people about putting something up there. I dunno, it's just an interesting idea for a potential project.
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