Monday, May 4, 2015

A Snapshot of the Past

I found this awesome old map of the U the other day, and I wanted to include it in this blog because I feel like it's a great conclusion to this semester.

It's amazing how much less there used to be.  Also, I have been utterly fascinated with the old dorms at the U.  I keep hearing about them from my parents and other people who went to the U when it still looked like this.  I have walked though the area where the Austin dorms used to be quite frequently.  There are odd patches of sidewalk that don't connect to anything, and I always wondered why they were there.  Then I found out about the old dorms, and to see a picture and how much it's changed over the years really helps me remember that the campus is a living organism.  Not everything that occurs here is growth; sometimes things are removed.  That is a comforting notion to me, because I feel like the campus has only grown in all the time I've known it, and eventually, there won't be enough space.

Also, it blows my mind how sparse upper campus looks.  It's probably because they didn't draw in Fort Douglas in detail, but still.  It seems like there is so much more up there now.  Also, the Tanner dance building by Mario Cappecchi brings back so many memories for me.  I used to watch my best friend's dance performances there when I was in elementary school.  I had forgotten that they tore it down.

Reviewing a map like this is precious for me.  It helps me remember awesome things about my past and imagine the past as it was for other people.  If you get a chance, I'd always recommend looking at a snapshot of the past.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Another Garden Idea

I came upon this website/post/page/idea this week, and I thought it was really cool.  I hope to eventually do something like this with my yard.

I don't know if I would put it in my front yard, because of the potential for it to get ruined or stolen from.  Some of the plants listed here I don't eat so much, so I'd maybe put those ones in the front, as well as the ones that are easy to pick from/hard to break.  I think this concept would also go well in a small community garden, so long as most/all of the participants understood how to properly maintain the plants they were picking from so that they weren't damaged or uncared for.

Seeing things like this make me wish that I didn't live n an apartment building, or that there was space in my apartment building to grow things.  It would be so great to have something like this on the top of the MHC, where students can sign up for garden plots just like they can sign up for mailboxes.  We might even be able to put a greenhouse thing up there.  Maybe that will be a senior project of mine, even though they'd never let me do it.  =)  Anyway, I thought it was worth a look.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Response to A Green City

I thought that the green city concept (in Singapore was SO beautiful!  It looked like they were living in a jungle
I am a little sad that it would never be as green here, but unfortunately we don't live in an environment that can support that type of water-dependent plants.  I can see it still being pretty with a lot of the plants that we have here though.  My yard at home is "zero-scaped", meaning that it only consists of native plants.  It is very diverse and the plants grow so well, but that could be due to my mom's care.  She has a green thumb.  I can see using the plants that we have here to make a green wall, but it definitely wouldn't be the same color of green.  I think the idea of using native plants would really help children understand the history of the land, and it would help them realize that we do actually live in a desert.  Most people are barred from that reality by the green lawns of the city. 
I hope that one day Salt Lake will embrace our natural environment.  Part of that is daylighting the creeks, part of that is incorporating native plants into landscaping.  They are small steps, but we could be so much healthier if we had them behind us.  

Random tangent thought that I had in class yesterday: I really really really wish there was some way that we could start a student project on the roof of the MHC.  It is such a great opportunity for the Honors college to show how green their "green building" really is.  I would love it if there were a rooftop garden (hopefully some of it would be edible) where students could potentially get herbs and other plants for cooking.  More likely what would work is to put solar panels on the roof, but I like the idea of students being able to enjoy and use the space as residents, and a field of solar panels doesn't give me that.  Maybe if I continue to live in the MHC next year, I will be able to talk to people about putting something up there.  I dunno, it's just an interesting idea for a potential project.

Psychiatric Ward Designed by Patients

I found this article on how patients degined their own psychiatric ward.  It's a bit crazier than what Gui is planning to do with the school, but the idea is the same: let the people using the space design it.  Here's the link:

I thought it was interesitng that their design included so much color.  I've visited someone in a psychiatric ward before, and they are very color-less places.  I don't know the reason for this, but I had always assumed that the colors would irritate patients with certain conditions.  However, the absence of interesing stimuli does seem like it would make the people who weren't already crazy crazy.  The room kind of looks like a child's playroom because it has a bunch of interesting stuff, and it's all in different shapes.  I look forward to hearing whether this room changes the behavior of the patients.  In general, I thought this showed the principles we were trying to work with, and it would be cool to implement something like that here at the university psychiatric hospital.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Progress Report

At this point in my project, I am mostly having trouble with artistic stuff.  I don't know how to make the colors look good together on the map, and I don't know how big to make the text in order to make it readable.  Some of my other designs are only text, not graphics, so I'd like to find a font that can work for both and also is readable from a distance.  I have some vague ideas about what I want the font to be, I am not sure which direction to go in.  As soon as I get the color scheme and font issues worked out though, I think I will be able to start printing the graphics, which will be really exciting!  I still have to look for locations to put them in, but I was thinking my process for that would be just walking around campus with them on a nice day and putting them in areas I think get a lot of foot traffic or are in a good location to point out the campus' relationship to cars.  I am also thinking of doing a graphic of all the roads in the U.S.  The idea is that if you took all the roads in the U.S. or maybe half of them or something and devoted that land to farming and agriculture instead you could feed __% of Africa, or you could feed ______ state. It's supposed to imply that the space used for cars could be used to solve a major world issue.  This one will be more calculation intensive than my last map, so I'm a little more intimidated by it.  But yeah, I have high hopes.  


I know this is again a little off track, but I wish there was some way to draw attention to the sidewalks on campus, and how many of them there are that serve no purpose.  Like how the signs all contradict each other and tell people they can't walk in this spot, but you can walk 3 feet over from where you wanted to.  What especially angers me are the cars on campus.  They drive around like they own the sidewalk, and they park wherever they want.  I saw a CenturyLink car parked in the middle of the lawn today, just idling, crushing the nice grass and making lots of noise.  Can't the U ask the people they hire to fix things to be a little more considerate?  Just because they were hired for an on campus job doesn't mean that they can exploit every person, place, and resource on campus to make their job as easy as possible.  People live here.  It's an organism, and the people who work here, like the CenturyLink guy and the construction workers don't care or understand that people live here.  They don’t care about the health of this campus, they aren't invested in it.  They are just here, and they perform their job without caring about the health of the place they have been hired to improve.  It’s not their fault, they have no reason to care.  But the U should care, and they don't.  Now there's probably a lot about the process the workers here go through that I don't understand, so I'm trying not to be too bothered by it.  (Sigh).

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Shifting Center

For the past few weeks I have felt the center of the University of Utah shift because of the warm weather and because of the new student life center.  It feels like the center was at the Union before, but now it seems like if I were to randomly run into someone it would be at the student life center.  I guess it's a bit too late to change the venue now, and that's okay, but this week I have been surprised at how much I find myself gravitating toward the SLC.  On the other hand, ASUU elections are going on, and people are campaigning all over campus.  It's become clear that having a social gathering space in the Marriott Plaza is still important.  I think the reason all these groups choose to base their outreach at the Marriott Plaza is because of the performing capacity of the library as a social and academic hub.  If we could find some way to bring the blooming social space inside the library into the plaza, I think we would achieve our goal.  I hate to forget that there are other locations on campus that could impact people in a totally new way.  What we are trying to do in Marriott Plaza is extend the social spaces that bubble at its edges, like the library and the union.  However, places on upper campus remain unused and neglected because normal commuter students have no reason to go up there.  As a resident, I understand that great things could happen when classes and residential settings start to mix, but I also understand that there is nothing to draw people to upper campus.  I would say that it's an underutilized space, but I think the university will probably expand its teaching buildings up there in the next ten years or so.  That makes me sad, because almost certainly it will be disruptive to the natural and historic beauty that exists in the area.  I wish there was a way to incorporate learning into the existing structure of Officer's circle and the PHC area.  But yeah, that's all far fetched stuff that isn't really important to the project.  

Friday, February 27, 2015

More Kiosk Examples in the Plaza

This is another picture of Marriott Plaza.  Again, people have a table set up in about the same spot, and they have a sign that says "COME SAY something NICE..... anything NICE!"  They also have a table with a microphone that is hooked up to speakers.  When I passed by they were playing music for the whole plaza, but presumably I could have gone up and announced something to the whole plaza, but also I would have had to interrupt the music, which didn't strike me as something cool.  Again, it felt a little awkward to be prompted to announce yourself to a group of people who don't really know you, and some people who can't even see you.  It would be great for us to have something like this, but only if we could really push that casual "it's okay to express yourself, people want to hear it, it's not weird" vibe.  I might have been coerced into announcing something if my friends had been there, but I don't care about expressing myself to people who don't care about me unless it's in a much more anonymous setting.  I have no motive, even with a pushy "let's make the world a happier place one phrase at a time" prompt.  I don't want to expose myself, and that's pretty much what being in the middle of this plaza means.  Exposure.  Maybe the kiosk would make a good environment for people to gather and help them to not feel so exposed.  I think having a roof would definitely further this purpose, so I'm glad that's included in the design plans thus far.  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kiosk Example in the Plaza

This is a picture of the Marriott Plaza.  People have set up a couch and taken some tables and chairs and are making their own "kiosk."  I think this is such a clear precedent for what we are trying to do, people have already set up their own temporary kiosks.  It shows that there is an actual want on campus for this sort of space.  I want our kiosk to be comfortable like that.

Progress Update

Mostly this past week I have tried to work on updating the website.  After class I played around with different sites/themes, and I finally decided on the one I wanted to put up.  I didn't receive many emails to add to the editing list, but maybe that will change once things get more detailed.  So far I have added a page for Ashley to work with, and a page for Kendra to work on, plus a separate kiosk page in case she wanted a page for her own project.
I also worked on my individual project, I created a graphic that I could possibly use, but I need to study some color theory to make it look good.  I also think that I should probably outline all of upper Canada (that's right, all the teeny tiny islands) with black.  But I don't really want to do that for obvious reasons, so if there is some solution I can come up with in my color scheme that solves that problem, I'll be home free.  The work I did on this this week was me finding a picture of North America that I liked (which was actually pretty challenging, let me tell you) and learning how to use the photo editor I am working with.  Once I found this one I actually had to reconfigure some of my numbers so that the areas would all be contained on here.  I am also planning on working on putting numbers on here in a readable format, but I'm still working on where to put them...  So yeah, that's this week!  =D

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Progress Report and Response to "The Shore"

First of all, I am so sorry for not blogging last week! I thought that my progress wasn’t worth reporting, so I didn’t write a blog entry about it, but after the positive feedback I got from the class about some of my design ideas, I thought it might be a good idea to include a progress report as a preface to this week’s blog. I decided to focus on the idea of making the invisible visible for my project. Last week I came up with a slogan that encourages people to appreciate the current air quality and to subtly remind them of how awful inversions are: “Have you appreciated the air yet today?” It might be cool to put a few different stickers of this in different places around campus. I also came up with a "would you rather" question: “Would you rather: Have nosebleeds for a month out of every year, or not be able to use your car to drive to the U?” The sticker might even have a place to check one or the other.  I saw a neat type of sticker that changed as people stepped on it, so maybe it would be cool to use something like that. I like this one, but it didn’t get such a good reaction as I’d hoped because apparently the nosebleed thing is more uncommon than I thought. My last sticker idea was an infographic showing the world, and showing how much area all the people in the world take up versus all the cars in the world (If you were wondering, people take up an area approximately equal to the size of California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona. Cars take up an area equal to the size of the entire United States of America including Alaska, Mexico, and Central America.) I planned to show this on a picture of the globe showing North America, with a slogan at the top saying something like: “People don’t take up that much space... But cars do.” I think the slogan needs refining, but I haven’t had any epiphanies yet on how to make it sound better. I like the idea of the infographic, but I need my roommate's help to get it on the computer.

This week, the kiosk group project I have been working on has been moving along. We experienced more setbacks than I would have liked this week. The modeling process gave us a good idea of how the structure we plan to build will actually look, but I feel that it is moving too slowly, and we should be focusing on other avenues of this project as well like introducing the idea to university officials and coming up with purposes for the project, like advancing the clip idea. My individual project, sadly, did not get worked on hardly at all in the past week because I was overwhelmed by my workload. I did more brainstorming based on the positive responses of the class to my design ideas, and I came up with another possible infographic that translates the amount of space roads take up into something that people actually care about. I haven’t actually done these calculations, but the design might look something like: If we used half the space in the U.S. That is currently dedicated to roads as farmland instead, it could grow enough food to feed the states of California and Nevada. Or something like that. The numbers are probably less impressive than I am thinking they are, but I don’t know yet. Hopefully, since I will be less busy next week, I will actually have the time to make these into computer drawings. I have also decided to make a class website, and I have made some progress with that exploring different sites. Again, I will hopefully have more time this weekend to dedicate to making the website. Also, I loved the documentary we watched in class last week. 

"The Shore" was an interesting narrative of collaboration. People with a common interest were threatened with a prison in their neighborhood, and they responded to the threat by fighting. Then, they used the momentum they had to make positive and needed changes to their lives while still retaining their sense of identity and purpose. I don't know how to do that, because the projects we have started haven't been catalyzed by a large change or threat to how things are; our desire to change things was caused simply by the awakening of our own self-awareness and situation. Maybe that will be enough to ensure lasting change, and maybe it won't, but the motives of the Shore community and our PRAXIS lab are similar enough that watching the documentary made me feel more confident in our small projects that I otherwise would have been. It was such an inspiring story, I can't wait until I have time to work on my own designs with the same dedication.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Project Responses

For my project, I wanted to change the transportation culture at the U, so this week I looked up precedents to what I am hoping to do.  I found this great page that listed cool floor graphics that advertise different things.  I've posted some pictures of the coolest ones, and the rest can be found at this link :

I thought these were great, creative ways to raise awareness and advertise different things.  I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, but I do like the landmine stickers for their ingenuity and for the physical takeaway in the sticker.  I think my biggest challenge with this project will be coming up with a unique idea for something to say.  I have a few informal ones, but they haven't solidified enough for me to put them to a proposal, so stay tuned.  

I am really excited about everyone else's projects, as well as my own.  I can't wait to explore the campus gardens, and I can't wait for the light pollution signs to come out so I can prove to my friends that it's a real issue.  One of my friends told me today that he wished there was a grocery store within walking distance of campus.  I hope I can change that someday too, because it really would be nice to not live in a food desert.  Oh well.  Sometime in the future.  Speaking of food, I wish there were more fruit trees on campus.  I feel like it would be worth it to put together a student group to clean up the fruit trees to be able to have fruit on campus.  But I don't really know, it's just a seed idea.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Phenomenological Response to '60 Years of Urban Change'

Hey y'all.  It's nice to be back blogging again.  I've decided to commit to two projects this next semester.  The first one I will be doing on my own and the second I will be doing with Kendra, Gi, Corinne, and Maddie.  We will be creating a "kiosk" to help make more social and interactive spaces on lower campus.  We want the campus to be interesting and exciting and compelling, and we want people to meet each other there.  My personal interest in this project is the mission, because I truly feel that campus is sleeping, and if we wake it up so much more of the potential of the university could be reached.  My individual project related to the perception of transportation on campus.  I plan to create unobtrusive sidewalk graphics that casually point out different, more positive ways to view transportation while de-emphasizing the need for personal vehicles.  My main motivation for this project is the air quality and the inefficiency of the way transportation is done in the valley.  The commuters to the U are a large part of the Salt Lake City urbanscape, and if the attitude here changes, we might actually have a shot at improving things for the city.

One of the websites we looked at last week in class showed the aerial difference between the structure of cities in the early 1950's as opposed to their modern structures.  Here is the website:
There was an overwhelming trend of urban sprawl throughout all the pictures.  The streets got wider, the buildings got bigger.  Giant parking lots emerged.  For some reason, it looks like God swooped down and tried to put spacers in the cities.  I guess this sort of makes sense, because if there are more people you need more space.  My issue is that I don't think the space used was efficient.  Enlarging the buildings makes sense to me, because if they have a wider base they can be taller and possibly utilize more space.  But most of the expansion was done for cars, which is so not okay.  Cars are a means to an end.  Freeways are an even larger extension of the God-spacers.  They take up so much of the area surrounding the city, and unfortunately, the thing they have replaced is the residential areas that used to be near the city.  This forces the city to become a place of work, the area away from the city an area for homes, and all of this forces people to rely more and more on cars.  Ugh.  It's a vicious cycle.  I also noticed though, that there is more green space being incorporated into modern cities, which is apparently another form of God spacer.  I wish there was some way to make green space that is enjoyable to humans, but that isn't composed solely of grass.  The only reason we even have grass is because it grows well in Britain because IT RAINS THERE A LOT...  Which it doesn't do here.  So, even though it's better than parking lots, grass isn't really the best use of space either.  What it comes down to is that we don't need as much space as we give ourselves.  In class we referred to it as an epidemic, and I think that's a valid way to describe this trend.  The transformation is horrible, and awful, and shocking, and unpleasant, and bad, and appalling, and upsetting, and saddening, and frustrating.  There is so much that that space could be used for.  =(  Arg.  Alright, I'm out.